Hornets Helping Hornets completes our service project each year right before school starts by hosting the annual freshmen orientation at FHS. This year we hosted it on Wednesday, August 17th, 2022. After completing our two days of training, H3 members made posters, name tags, signs, created music playlists, and ice breaker type games all for the freshmen class. ALL freshmen are invited to attend from 8:30AM-12PM!
Once at FHS H3 members welcomed them by walking them through the line of upper class (the gauntlet) with music, cheering, clapping, and a big "WELCOME CLASS of 2026" banner (see pictures below). Freshmen were then broken into smaller groups of about 7-9 students with two H3 student leaders. The H3 leaders took freshmen on tours of the school, played multiple 'get to know you' games with them, gave them tips on how to be successful at FHS, got their schedules and chromebooks with them, and showed them the ins and outs of FHS. We ended the morning by feeding over 200 kids lunch and teaching them Fulton traditions of "The Tree Dance" and the "V-I-C-T-O-R-Y" cheer!